Flyingcode NFO-Viewer is a useful .nfo file viewer. The NFO files are those that come with releases distributed on the web. Most of those releases are anything but legal, but that goes outside of the scope of this article. What NFO-Viewer does is really simple, but extremely helpful. Those NFO files I was talking about come with ASCII graphics and hypertext features that are not ready thought for text editors such as notepad. With NFO-Viewer, all the .nfo files will be opened using a set of standard fonts, so that all the files will look their best. The graphics will look like the designer intended them to be seen. Also, it will scan the document for hypertext links. So, instead of copying and pasting your http links to the browser, you get a nice link inside the .nfo file. Also, you can associate the application to be the default application for viewing .NFO files, which will make it even more usable. If you don't want to do that, you can also drag and drop your files directly to the application's GUI.